Iron Man 2
After exposing himself as Iron Man to the world, billionaire playboy inventor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) has made himself vulnerable. Under increasing pressure from the US government, press and public alike to share the technology used in the Iron Man suit in order to turn into a super weapon for the military. Naturally Stark isn’t so keen…so the government become complicit in a plan to duplicate the suit with the assistance of Stark’s corporate archrival Justin Hammer (the uber talented Sam Rockwell).
Meanwhile a new and formidable nemesis, in the form of Whiplash (played by Mickey Rourke, who appears to be relishing the role) is rising to challenge Stark on his own terms. It’s not long before he’s hooked up with Hammer and both conspire to bring Iron Man down.
We're hopeful it follows the Spiderman franchise model in that the sequel is the better film. With such a bad ass trailer it certainly looks that way. Here's hoping!
Iron Man is released in the UK on 30th April.
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